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A conceptual math model that proves the improbability of knowing what you’re doing

Click HERE to access the Sense-Object Intake Form.

Interactive Frequency-Generator Tool

To use: Click green arrow & drag finger across bar to produce tones. Click red X to stop 

Solvermath in an interactive experience that allows the human body to identify tones in potential relationship to physical objects. The experience involves either viewing a virtual object or holding a physical object while interacting with a frequency-generator tool* capable of producing up to 20kHz. 

The human body is a sophisticated and responsive module capable of intermediating, detecting, and deciphering variables outside the realm of its awareness. Solvermath uses relational math to reveal an absence of relation between sense-informed response and sense of knowing. The project is inspired by Gödel's theorems concerning the limits of provability which say that “it is impossible to give a meta-mathematical proof of the consistency of a system comprehensive enough to contain the whole of arithmetic unless the proof itself implies rules of inference different in certain essential respects from the transformation rules used for deriving theorems within the system” and that “any other system within which arithmetic can be developed, is essentially incomplete because there are true number-theoretical statements that cannot be derived in the system.”

The initial phase of Solvermath collects data from individual human interactions with the frequency-generator tool and the sense-objects. The second phase uses a redesigned version of relational math to form a conceptual math model that describes the space between awareness and action, and aims to highlight the improbability of knowing what we're doing.


To participate, open the Google form through this link in either a separate window, on a separate screen, or other device. Keep this page open so that you can use the frequency-generator tool above.


In the form on the second screen or device, you will see images of each sense-object. Using the interactive frequency-generator tool on this page, find the Hz frequency (or range of frequencies) that you sense correspond to the visual image (for remote participants) or the physical object you are holding in your hand (for those participating physically.) Enter the numbers into the form field associated with each image. 


To use the interactive frequency-generator tool, slide the finger back and forth on the bar from 1Hz - 20,000Hz. Click the green arrow to sense & hear the sound. Click the red X to stop the frequency. You'll notice the Hz number changing as the finger slides back and forth. You may also enter any number between the two arrows to experience a frequency between 1 Hz and 20 kHz.


The frequency-generator tool produces tones that travel through the air as waves that the human body can detect through somatic listening. The experience is not designed to be used with head phones or earbuds. 


If you are participating remotely, view each image while interacting with the tone-generator tool and choose the tone (or range of tones) you feel represent the object in the image. Enter the Hz number(s) you identify with each object into the form with the corresponding image.


For those who have access to the physical objects, hold the object in one hand while sliding a finger back and forth on the frequency-generator tool. You may detect a vibrating sensation in the hand-held object in response to certain frequencies or within a range of frequencies. Enter the numbers of the frequencies you notice into the form. 


Please enter your real or fake name, the real date, and indicate either "Remote" or "Physical" for each entry.  After you submit the form, you will see the message "Thank you for participating with Solvermath! Your response has been recorded." This means your submission has been accepted and recorded. You may participate as many times as you like.

Email questions or comments to Nina Isabelle at or to schedule physical access to sense-object set.


*frequency generator designed by Tomasz P. Szynalski / modified by Brian McCorkle 

N I N A  A. I S A B E L L E 

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